Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Silence Is Deafening

By Sniffles

Wow, we cats can't begin to count the number of outraged Republicans who have denounced Benedict Donald's racist tweets against progressive Democratic Congresswomen today.

KIDDING. Of course they haven't.

What we have seen is some never-Trumpers suggesting that Republicans should consider not nominating him again. The party, they aver, "can decide whether he has disqualified himself."

We like the idea of the media and, come to think of it, everyone else in the world cornering every GOP office holder and leader and forcing a response on this question. It implies hope that such pressure will cause the white-hood party to tear itself apart.


The Trumpsters have spent the last two and a half years rigging the GOP's primary system. They've taken over virtually every state party and changed the rules on who can be a delegate. So it's pretty clear we'll see icebergs off the coast of Florida before 2,000 certified, Trump-loving delegates refuse to nominate him next year.

Meanwhile, have you noticed how Trump's disgusting tweets have taken the focus off Jeffrey Epstein for a day? We have, too. We cats HISS.

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