Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Broken Britain

By Baxter

With Hurricane Dorian swirling off the coast of Florida and the Carolinas battening down, you might be forgiven for failing to notice that the government of the United Kingdom is in shambles. But pay attention at least for a few minutes, because we cats are about to make a comparison.

Malevolent mophead Boris Johnson lost a critical vote in Parliament today when 21 members of his own Conservative Party, claiming that it would decimate the British economy worse than Dorian devastated the Bahamas, fought back on a no-deal Brexit. The group included eight — count 'em — eight former Cabinet ministers. And that was after a Conservative MP cost Johnson his majority by defecting to the Liberal Democrats, pointedly crossing the floor as Johnson was in the middle of a speech to Commons. (See video for the magic moment, above.)

Johnson has vowed to eject the 21 from the party, and that, folks, is the stuff of drama. Our poor Congress has nothing to compare. (What would you suggest, Ted Cruz's stagy reading of Green Eggs and Ham?)

But as wild as things are over there, we can't help thinking that we could use a similar dose of crazy in DC. Floor-crosser Phillip Lee has more guts than Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Rob Portman, Lamar Alexander, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio combined. Add those 21 Tory rebels and you've got more moxie than the entire Republican Party.

Come on, GOP — it's time for some of that British backbone! But since it'll never happen, we cats HISS.

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