Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Last Sunday In The Summer Edition

By Miss Kubelik

We cats feel the impeachment clouds gathering. Yeah, really, we do. We've been watching Speaker Pelosi carefully, knowing that she's letting Trump's crimes build to a crescendo — because timing is everything. This Ukraine conference call could be the thing that pushes it over. After all, the word "bribery" actually appears in the Constitution — as in, something Presidents aren't supposed to do.

In the meantime, a few ideas are kicking around in our heads. We'll share them before we have our midnight snack.

Do the Trumpsters want Elizabeth Warren to win the Democratic nomination? It's a question to ponder. If you get five of them in a room, you'll probably get five different opinions on that. After initially discounting her candidacy, we cats have been impressed with her campaign (and now she's two points up on Joe Biden in Iowa). But it was Biden who had the media moment this weekend. Stay tuned.

By the way, we're sick and tired of reporters allowing Trump to yank their chains. Biden is right. Instead of asking him about Hunter (a story that's already been debunked), they should ask Trump why he was attempting to bribe a foreign leader, and why he's blocking the whistleblower complaint from going to Congress. That is the story.

We're rooting for Greta Thunberg to get the Nobel Peace Prize. Especially since convicted felon Dinesh D'Souza is on Twitter trying to liken Greta to the Nazis. (Something about blonde braids.) And of course Benedict Donald would be furious if she won. Can we write a letter or send an email or something?

Hooray! Arab lawmakers in Israel have come out in support of Benny Gantz as the next Prime Minister — and Benjamin Netanyahu is, as we expected, behaving like the vicious toddler he is. Arabs are "stealing the election," Netanyahu screamed, because they want to "destroy us all." Take note, Americans, because this is exactly how Benedict Donald will conduct himself should he lose next year.

Finally, tomorrow is the first day of fall. Just one more autumn until we can boot the Trump traitors and quislings out of office. We don't know yet who the Democratic nominee will be, but we can all focus on some Senate races in the meantime. Consider a donation to Amy McGrath in Kentucky, Sara Gideon in Maine, Mark Kelly in Arizona or Jaime Harrison in South Carolina — great candidates all. We cats PURR.

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