Sunday, November 8, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Election 2020 Edition

By Sniffles

What a week! Our humans thought on Tuesday night that they might have to change their citizenship, but we cats always knew Joe would win. (That's because we're superior creatures, of course.) But with all the excitement, we needed a quiet Sunday to rest up and take stock. Here are a few thoughts we've been entertaining as we finish off the champagne.

We loved Kamala's white pantsuit last night. It was a tribute to both the suffragists and to Hillary Clinton. And it goes without saying that the spontaneous celebrations across the country were wonderful. But hey, Republicans: You really need to look at the joy that was unleashed in America yesterday, and try to understand it. The fact that only a few of you have congratulated Joe Biden, or urged the Trumpsters to accept the results and move on, is despicable.

Joe Biden has so much to do — end the pandemic, fix the economy, fight climate change, ensure racial justice, rebuild the government. But we hope the item at the top of Jill Biden's to-do list will be restoring the Jacqueline Kennedy Rose Garden. We can assign that to her, right? And of course the Bidens need to take down that damn wall around the White House. Good times are coming back.

Predictions: Moose & Squirrel, with Lurch in tow, are gone as soon as Lurch's DC school goes on winter break. There will be no niceties, like inviting Biden for a chat, or having both Bidens over for coffee before the swearing-in. Trump himself will have left Washington by New Year's — maybe earlier. Our only question is whether he'll continue to hold superspreader events around the country as long as Air Force One is available. We wouldn't put it past him.

Politically, one of Biden's most important decisions is who will take the reins at the DNC. We need someone who will relentlessly implement a 50-state strategy, like Howard Dean did back in 2006. Maybe that person is Jen O'Malley Dillon. Maybe it's Mayor Pete. But whoever leads us, we Democrats have to be bold and badass, lest we hand the House to Kevin McCarthy in 2022. That means we have to look at all the states where Trump came in under 55%, and turn them into Democratic strongholds. We have to recruit 2022 candidates for Ohio and Iowa now. We must expand the map — and not end up playing defense the way we did in 2010. Just our $0.02.

Finally, historian Michael Beschloss scared us to death last night — imagining a future with a re-elected Benedict Donald, a Republican Senate, a right-wing Supreme Court and tons of conservative judges. It would have been the end of American democracy. So with Biden-Harris in the bag, the job before us now is clear: Win those January Senate runoffs in Georgia, our newly blue-y state. After all, as John McCain once said, "We are all Georgians now." (Get it?) We cats PURR.

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