Monday, May 3, 2021

Who's Chatting Up Cheney?

By Hubie and Bertie

Does Speaker Nancy Pelosi have somebody who's speaking to Liz Cheney about, um, stuff? You'd hope so, especially since the Liz-is-about-to-be-defenestrated story has ratcheted up several notches over the last few days. (Similarly, Willard Romney got booed by Republicans in Utah over the weekend, but we don't care about that. Willard has no balls. Liz, on the other hand, has plenty.)

We have this fantasy that Cheney gets dumped out of her leadership position by the House GOP, turns Independent, and takes a few of the other impeach-Trump Republicans with her: Adam Kinzinger from Illinois, say, or Fred Upton and Peter Meijer from Michigan. (Or, heck, all nine of them.) In a chamber as closely divided as this one, a small, united group of Independents could have real power — enjoying some deference from the majority instead of being derided and marginalized by their own (former) party.

Pelosi is such a good politician that we're confident she's been making overtures to Liz for some time now. The only question is who the back-channel person is. Since Cheney is the Republican Conference Chair — the number-three position in her party's leadership — it would have to be someone pretty senior. Our theory is that it's Steny Hoyer. Wooing from the House Majority Leader would show the proper respect, and he could proffer an interesting committee chairmanship if necessary.

We are no fans of Liz Cheney, but the Republican Party has become such a menace to our form of government and the rule of law that drastic measures are called for. The GOP needs to die before democracy does. We cats PURR.

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