Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Canada, We Miss You

By Zamboni

Today we cats attended a POLITICO webinar on reopening the US-Canadian border. Which isn't happening yet. But we appreciate some of the insights the speakers shared, particularly MP Wayne Easter of Prince Edward Island (who, we're sad to discover, is retiring soon).

GOP Congressman Bill Huizenga of Michigan was also on the panel. Although he didn't vote for the bipartisan January 6 commission, he isn't one of those crazy insurrectionist-supporting Republicans. So he didn't particularly repel us. But Congressman Brian Higgins of New York, although a Democrat, was irritating. Someone should tell him that even if you're vaccinated, you could still carry the coronavirus and, while it might not make you sick, you can give it to a child or an immunocompromised or unvaccinated person. He's endangering people by insisting otherwise.

Everyone on the panel was itching to get the border back open. We are, too — but since we have nine lives, we guess we can wait. Meanwhile, Quebec and Ontario will allow cross-border traffic again, which is good news. It's hard to imagine international borders opening before provincial ones do.

Still and all, it would be nice if what MP Easter suggested could soon come to pass: that the US and Canada will agree on sensible plan that would reopen the border in stages to vaccinated people. Easter thinks this might occur by the end of July. That would make us cats PURR.

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