Thursday, July 22, 2021



By Zamboni

The numbers are in: COVID cases are exploding among unvaccinated Americans. "The virus continues to rage among those who have not received a shot," The Washington Post reports.

This all seems pretty logical, but apparently people — mostly Trumpsters — are having a hard time getting their thick heads around it. There's even a guy in Louisiana who's sick in the hospital with the coronavirus and who still says he doesn't want the vaccine "shoved down his throat." We can't help wondering why having a ventilator tube shoved down there is any better.

Let's hope that the idiocy of these people doesn't screw up the lives of us responsible adults. In the meantime, even though we're well-Pfizered, we keep wearing masks. Who needs a positive COVID test to keep us out of Canada? We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

(VIDEO: The Lincoln Project)

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