Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Times, They Are Enraging

By Zamboni

When we cats were kittens, The New York Times was the all-around epitome of great journalism. They defined excellence and set the standard for the entire profession. Now, however, as the Greatest Generation would say, they've gone completely to pot.

Yes, we know we've said this before: Their political coverage is terrible. The Times perpetuates lazy narratives, promotes its publishers' pet peeves, and diminishes stuff that should be in screaming headlines. And they always, always cut Benedict Donald a break. After putting Hillary's emails on page one above the fold day after day, they buried Trump's recent call for unbridled police violence deep in the A section. Clearly they think that they'll be okay in the event of a fascist takeover of the United States. (They won't be.)

And they do all of it with a sniffy air of entitlement, as is their wont.

Today, they're a source of fresh annoyance with a big story on Benedict Donald's cognitive decline. At last, we thought. And then we read this in the second paragraph: Trump seeming "confused, forgetful, incoherent or disconnected from reality...happens so often these days that it no longer even generates much attention."

"No longer"? When did it ever? Because the Times and other political publications have never covered it! (Do remember, however, that they ran dozens and dozens of stories about President Biden's age for the three agonizing weeks between June 27 and July 21.)

Okay, 30 days out from Election Day, at least they're writing about it now. But they'll never make up for their treatment of Biden and the Democrats versus Trump and the GOP. They are the supreme example of how the Republican myth of the "liberal media" has had journalists cowering for 50 years. It drives us cats crazy, and we HISS.

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