Thursday, November 8, 2012

Freeper Freakout

By Miss Kubelik

We cats have been so busy these last couple of days that we haven't had a moment to check on our favorite corner of the paranoid right-wing universe, Free Republic. Until now.

But that doesn't mean we don't care about them — please! We were worried about how they were handling Tuesday's election results. The answer, as so often is the case with them: not well.

Some Freepers are touting the Famous Quitter from Alaska for 2016 — while, interestingly, others don't want to have anything to do with her. Some are blaming Willard Mitt Romney, others Chris Christie — and still others, the alleged Republican voters who didn't turn out. The bottom line? Let's just say that most are eagerly awaiting the end of the Mayan calendar next month.

But what's truly gotten our attention is the following Freeper primal scream: "I'm ashamed of my country!"

Why? Because these Freeps were the same people who freaked out when Michelle Obama said in 2008, "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is really making a comeback."

Why is being ashamed of the country if you're a Freeper any different from being proud of the country if you're an Obama supporter? Well, never mind. Let's just get right to the comments that followed that anguished declaration:

"State of the Union — dire! God, please help us!"

"Hide your stuff. The takers are coming for it."

"Anyone who voted Democrat [sic] is no countryman of mine. They are willful traitors or stupid animals."

"[The election] defined who I’ll be going forward. My vote was outnumbered by an ill-informed voter. I shall NEVER again waste my time and vote. We are outnumbered...we have made the ‘turn’ and there is no going back. Minorities are breeding at an alarming rate...we can never outnumber the left. I am officially tuning pride in’s gone."

"This America is not the one I grew up in and loved. Women voted Obama because of contraceptives and choice to kill their babies, unions voted because of their precious auto bailout, blacks voted because of the obvious, everyone voted selvishly [sic] and ignorantly not for what was good for America as a whole."

"It is truly a DARK DAY in the history of our once GREAT NATION!! My God, how we have fallen from your GRACE. God’s judgment upon this country is coming and it is coming soon. This country will not endure another four years of an Obama Presidency. We are a DOOMED nation."

"This is what happens when the other side controls the media and the schools. And when good men marry liberal women and let them raise the kids."

To all this vitriol, we cats say:

Freedom of speech is a beautiful concept. But it's not always a beautiful thing.

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