Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Pop Quiz

By Sniffles

It's time to give Republicans who are bleating about Mount Denali a William McKinley test — and see if they can pass it.

As in: When was McKinley born? What number President was he? What office did he hold before he was elected to the White House? Who was his running mate in 1896? In 1900? Who shot him, and when and where? What was the Spanish-American War all about?

Can you imagine, if Baby Russert or somebody else peppered John Boehner with those questions at his next press conference, what the result would be? We can.

William McKinley is known for exactly one thing: his assassination, which brought Teddy Roosevelt to the Presidency. That's it. We cats HISS.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

Hilarious. Just what was need to stop all the faux McKinley fans.