Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Le Temps De S'en Aller

By Zamboni

While we cats were in Canada recently, several folks asked us about the 2016 Presidential election, and, specifically, if Donald Trump was — well, for real. These questions were always accompanied by a big eye-roll and a simultaneous look of terror.

We told each person that Donald Trump was the Republicans' problem, not ours, and that, in the meantime, we were enjoying the show. We also told them that the October 19 Canadian election was much more interesting to us. Which cued their eye-roll. After nine years, they said, Stephen Harper needed to get the boot.

Now we're wondering if it is indeed Harperman's time to go. Because recent polls may be showing a trend: Conservatives moving downward, Liberals moving up. The NDP is still in the lead, but only by a couple of points. Pundits have speculated that Harper's defensive response to this now-famous photo of a dead Syrian refugee boy helped kick off the anti-immigrant Tories' decline.

(That, and, oh by the way, the fact that Canada's in a recession now. We're still trying to figure out why all the Conservative campaign posters we saw said "Proven Leadership for a Strong Economy." What?)

So! This is starting to get more fun than a cross-country "Harperman" sing-along (if that's possible). In the meantime, we hope that all those Canadians who want Harper out will watch the numbers  — and when the last poll is released, vote strategically. If the Liberals are in the lead, go with them; if it's the NDP, ditto. The most important thing: Send Harper and his omnibus to Kokamo. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: It's too long — and disgusting — to explain, so click here instead. Let's just say that the Jerry Bance story could be more evidence that Stephen Harper's fortunes are going right down the toilet.)

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