Monday, October 19, 2015

No More Mister

By Baxter

Polls don't close in Canada for awhile yet, so we cats will train our keen eyes back on the political silliness in the US. (Although we're very glad to learn that, like John Oliver, we won't be hauled off to the hoosegow the next time we visit Montreal.)

Meanwhile, every time we hear Canadian pundits and politicians refer to the Prime Minister as "Mr. Harper," we think of Jeb! Bush. Why? Because he has this totally weenie habit of calling his chief GOP torturer "Mr. Trump."

Gosh, that must be irritating to his supporters. And The Donald's totally accurate attack on The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived over 9/11 has, in our opinion, turned a huge page on Campaign Jeb! that we think the candidate will refuse to recognize.

In short, if we were Republicans (brrr!) and advising the Jebsters, we'd tell them that Bush should just go all out and attack Trump. Stop being polite about it, and stop calling him anything that begins with an honorific. And if Jeb! is asked about whether he risks alienating the teabags and the Freepers and the other Trump supporters, he should just say this: "They'll never vote for me in the primaries. So why should I worry about them? Rafael Cruz, Jr. is welcome to them when Trump inevitably fails."

He'll never do it, of course. It would be too bold — and unless it involves denying African Americans the vote, invading the personal medical decisions of Florida families, or putting money in the pockets of his political cronies, Jeb! doesn't do bold. That's why he'll never become Leader of the Free World. Which makes us cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Donald yapping, Jeb! looking like a twit.)

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