Sunday, November 10, 2019


By Zamboni

Don'tcha just love it when public figures use the accusatory "You people"? Talk about outing yourself as a hater! We cats remember like it was yesterday Ann Romney declaring that the smidgen of tax returns she and Willard had released were all that "you people" were going to get.

Ann forgot that her and Willard's responsibility to be transparent was not to the press but to the American (not "you") people.

Now, across our northern border, the despicable sports commentator Don Cherry has done it again. On this weekend's Hockey Night in Canada, Cherry went after immigrants in Toronto and other parts of Ontario who, he says, don't wear the poppy on Remembrance Day. (Handy tip: Remembrance Day is Canadian for Veterans Day.)

"You people…you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that," Canada's most famous sartorial nightmare sputtered. We're sorry to say that co-host Ron MacLean sat next to Cherry and said nothing. But Sportsnet, the network on which HNIC now resides, apologized.

As well they should, since the interwebs have been exploding with photos posted by descendants of Canadians of color who fought in World Wars I and II. And with photos of Sikh guys in turbans also sporting — you guessed it — poppies. It is patently untrue that immigrants refuse to wear them. Cherry is an ass.

When will the world be done with these ancient, aggrieved white guys who can't stop themselves from flaunting their ignorance and bile? Whether it's Canada or the US, will we only get relief from the haters when they die? Cherry is 85. Trump's fans skew over 50, and even more strongly over 65. How long must we wait? We cats HISS.

UPDATE: Don Cherry has been fired. And there is much rejoicing.

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