Friday, November 8, 2024

Some Preliminary Scratched-Out Thoughts

By Baxter

Okay, it's Friday of the Week from Hell, and we have one thing to say to our fellow Democrats: No finger-pointing allowed. Kamala Harris ran a flawless campaign. And no, Joe Biden wouldn't have won. Stop that malarkey* right now, because we're going to have to save our energy for what's to come.

In the meantime, though, we will point fingers at our Twitter friends who are asking how it was possible that Harris got "less votes" or "a lower amount of votes" than Biden did in 2020. You mean "fewer" and "number," folks. Just because the world is going to end soon doesn't mean we have to squelch our inner curmudgeon. We cats HISS.

*This goes double and triple for the repugnant cable-TV talking heads — but then, we're not watching them, are we?

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