Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Death Cult

By Zamboni

We cats have watched Benedict Donald's recent rallies with a horror tempered only by the knowledge that the idiots putting themselves at risk for COVID-19 are all Trump fans (and maybe they'll be too sick, or too dead, to vote in November).

We sincerely hope that in three weeks or so, some intrepid journalists will follow up in the Trump rally cities, checking the coronavirus numbers and the mortality rates. There probably won't be another death as high-profile as Herman Cain's after Tulsa, but the overall data should be enough to assess how much of a super-spreader event each rally was.

This is possible because reporters have tracked other confabs that incredibly stupid people have held in defiance of science. Like last month's wedding in Millinocket, Maine, which now is responsible for 176 sick people and seven deaths. The dead people weren't even at the wedding itself. (And as you can guess, Millinocket is in Susan Collins's old Congressional District, ME-02. Just saying.)

If the same algorithm from the Maine wedding were to apply to Benedict Donald's event in Hendersonville, Nevada, for example, it would equate to 15,000 COVID-19 positives and 700 deaths.

There's an old saying in politics that you should never interfere when your opponent is destroying himself. But do you interfere when your opponent is killing his own supporters? And how is it possible that we're even having to ask this question? We cats HISS.

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