Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Doing Their Homework

By Baxter

We cats were "at" an event with Preet Bharara tonight. Okay, it was a fundraiser on Zoom. But Preet had some important things to say, which we're happy to pass along.

People tend to call every Presidential election "the most important of our lifetimes," Preet observed. But this time, he says, it's definitely true. Thing is, though, we need not just to win the Presidency. We need a blue Senate and a bluer House of Representatives.

So last month, Preet put his enterprising 15- and 17-year-old sons to work. Every day, they picked a House race from across the country to recommend for contributions and support. And every day, for each selected race, Preet ponied up $500 and tweeted to his followers to support the Democrat in that race.

Most excellently, the other day Bharara boys selected the Democratic Congressional candidate here in New York-21, Tedra Cobb. How would you not want to support Tedra, they wondered, when her opponent, Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, said that Benedict Donald was doing "a good job on the pandemic"? (Note: To date, 184,000 Americans have died from COVID-19.)

Even better, you can find all of the boys' selected candidates on their website, Housework2020.org. Peruse this list and see who you'd like to throw a few bucks at this fall. They make it so easy for you, with links and everything! We cats salute all the Bhararas, and we PURR.

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