Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Donald Trump Is A Mass Murderer Edition


By Baxter

Do you personally know anyone who's been killed by the current President of the United States? Because that's what today's Bob Woodward revelations boil down to. We cats will address the journalistic aspects of this latest Trumpian disaster in another post. Meanwhile, here are some thoughts.

"Panic," LOL. Did America panic when Pearl Harbor was attacked? During the Cuban Missile Crisis? On 9/11? The only person who was panicking about the pandemic was Benedict Donald — plus the flunkies and minions and Republican US Senators who are all complicit in his crime against humanity. "Panic," ridiculous.

A key scene from Darkest Hour popped into our furry heads today. With Britain about to be invaded by Nazi Germany, King George VI tells Winston Churchill: "Go to the people. Let them instruct you... but tell them the truth, unvarnished. If invasion is imminent, if our troops in France are lost, they must be prepared." Pity that Benedict Donald didn't think of buying a ticket on the Washington Metro and hear what DC riders had to say.

Dan Coats, Jim Mattis, John Kelly, Rex Tillerson, and especially, Mike Pence all need to be hauled off to the hoosegow.

A braggy and obviously insecure Trump let the cat out of the bag to Bob Woodward about a secret US nuclear weapons system. That's bad enough. But don't assume he didn't tell Vladimir Putin about it at that private Helsinki meeting they had. (Remember, he confiscated the interpreter's notes.)

So yes, the Woodward book contains about 12 more impeachable offenses. Many of them won't move people because they won't feel affected personally. But this virus is a different story. It's had an impact on literally everyone in America, and we can't imagine that people will forgive Trump for this. In the meantime, Team Biden and all of us who support them should keep our noses to the grindstone, work the phones, give money, and above all, get folks to the polls.

Speaking of which, here's a silver lining: At least these revelations hit before early voting starts. Let the Trump firing begin. We cats PURR.

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