Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Seen On Social Media

Where our humans live, yard signs are not allowed. However, Joe and Kamala just got added to their cars. So we stand ready to assist if this story ever happens in our neighborhood:

"Today our doorbell rang and on the other side was a young black woman traveling by herself, who was locked out of her rental car without her phone, wallet, keys, purse, everything. My husband worked to help her get the rental car company to send some help, and we both stood outside with her for an hour, waiting for AAA.

"She shared that when she knew she needed help, she chose to knock on our door for one reason: our Biden-Harris yard sign. (As she said, 'Specifically, the Harris part.') She said she knew there were kind people inside.

"I wish more people understood what it feels like to be worried about knocking on a door for help. And I'm glad we were home! Maybe we can share this story to place a light in the window (and a sign in your yard)."

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