Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Incapable Of Embarrassment


By Sniffles

Ever wonder who those idiots are standing behind Benedict Donald, holding signs and giving thumbs' up while he drones on like a fool? Wonder no more. They're paid actors.

And on this day after Labor Day, it's doubtful that those people belong to a union, like SAG. We're envisioning non-college whites (with African-Americans sprinkled in here and there) who are desperate for some cash — but not the $15-an-hour minimum wage, which the Republican Party opposes — to make ends meet during a pandemic that Benedict Donald refuses to control.

If anything symbolizes the state of America under Trump more than that crazy sinking boat parade in Texas over the weekend, this would be it. Fake crowds for a fake President, who all of his life has cloaked his fakery with even more fakery. We cats HISS.

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