Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Lest We Furr-get: Seeing Red

By Baxter

Things in Canada seem to be under control for now, so let's return at last to the United States — where an unsuspecting time traveler beaming in from the mid-to-late 20th century would be astonished at what the Republican Party is saying and doing.

Vladimir Putin has stormed into Ukraine, President Biden and a solid NATO are cranking up economic sanctions, and the GOP in its Trumpy state has decided that Vlad is the bee's knees. Goodness gracious, do they all have to be lackeys? Why? Does Putin have pee tapes on everybody? Mike Pompeo and Benedict Donald have taken the lead on this — Putin, they say, is "savvy" and a "genius" — but don't hold your breath waiting for Republicans to condemn them for it.

How things change. The number of now-dead Republicans who proudly waved anti-Communist banners in decades past must be spinning in their graves so fast that it's amazing the Earth hasn't veered off its axis and is hurtling into the sun. 

Just think of the GOP luminaries who, if they weren't pushing up daisies, would be shocked and appalled: Bob Taft, Barry Goldwater (!), Richard Nixon (!!), Ronald Reagan (!!!), Bob Dole, Jesse Helms, John Tower, George H.W. Bush, Jim Baker, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Lugar and John McCain, to name a few.

Most of all, what would the Red-baiter supreme, Joseph R. McCarthy, have to say about all this? He's been silent for 65 years — but if our grave-spinning theory is correct, the citizens of Appleton, Wisconsin, must be feeling the Earth move. We cats HISS.

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