Friday, February 25, 2022

Silver Linings, Part 2

By Baxter

Although he invaded Ukraine, there's nothing Vladimir Putin can do about the march of good news — which, we're happy to report, continued today. Here's some.

Putin and the oligarchs, feeling pain — Vlad the Invader and his enablers now have to deal with a ton of crap. Personal sanctions, Germany and Italy maybe changing their minds on SWIFT, Kazakhstan saying "nyet," Ukrainians not welcoming Russians as liberators, and reports of Russian soldiers fighting half-heartedly. Vlad needed a quick resolution to his invasion. He may not get it.

Chef José Andrés to the rescue — He and his team are on the Polish-Ukrainian border, delivering meals. Hey, Nobel Committee, give this guy the Peace Prize already.

"Anonymous" strikes back — Wow, we never thought the hackers behind Anonymous might be good guys. But they've taken down RT and leaked the database of the Russian ministry of defense. As "Casablanca's" Victor Laszlo said, "Welcome to the fight."

Biden's SCOTUS nomination — Ketanji Brown Jackson really impressed at her White House appearance today. Her resume is so solid, and her demeanor is so nonthreatening, that Republican Senators are boxed in. The only reason they'd have to vote against her is her race. HAHAHAHAHAHA

Pat King stays in the hoosegow — The racist Canadian "Freedom Convoy" leader was denied bail today, and won't appear in court again until March 18. Enjoy the Big House, big guy! We cats PURR.

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