Friday, February 4, 2022

The "Fun" They Didn't Expect

By Hubie and Bertie

It's amazing how Republicans root against America when Democrats are in charge. This brilliant tweet was vomited out of Sean Spicer's keyboard yesterday, and you know the old saying: It hasn't aged well.

What's been "fun" has been watching FOX "News" and FOX "Business News" and other right wingers gape, gasp, and then try to grapple with what actually happened this morning: 467,000 jobs added in January, plus significant upward revisions to November's and December's numbers. All in all, Team Biden has added 7 million jobs to the economy in 12 months. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Maybe it's time for cable TV talking heads to stop glooming and dooming about everything in order to goose up conflict and anxiety and raise their dismal ratings. Maybe it's time for them to leave their cozy studios and go out and speak with voters who aren't upper-middle-aged white males sitting in diners. Maybe it's also time for them to stop treating the Republican Party like an entity that's interested in promoting democracy. Because they aren't. We cats HISS.

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