Friday, February 18, 2022

End Of The Line

By Miss Kubelik

Big day in Ottawa today. (Wow, who'd have thought we'd ever write that sentence? Ottawa is a sleepy, pleasant G7 world capital. Ottawans almost never have big days.)

Anyway, the cops are moving on the occupiers and shutting the whole Trumpy trucker sh*tshow down. It may take them the weekend, but so far they've arrested 100 people and towed a couple dozen vehicles. It's been generally peaceful so far. The imported Sûreté du Québec cops in their riot gear and face shields have not been needed — yet.

Our favorite part of today's events: Occupiers who have finally decided to remove their illegally parked cars are being stopped on their way out of town at about 100 police checkpoints, where cops are demanding their licenses and registration. You can only assume they'll be hit with billions of loonies in tickets. (Tweeps are saying that Balcony Man should help work the checkpoints, LOL.)

One of our least-favorite parts: An occupier threw a bicycle at a police horse this afternoon. The idiot has been arrested for intentionally harming a police service animal. Lock him up!

These occupations, in Ottawa and at the border, have been traumatic for Canadians, who care about their reputation abroad. Two-thirds of them support the Emergencies Act and oppose the occupiers. And none of this would be happening if the Ottawa Police chief, the city government and the Conservative Premier of Ontario had done their jobs three weeks ago. But Doug Ford was too caught up in joining Candice (not Murphy Brown) Bergen and other Tories in trying to pin this whole thing on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Ford tried to forget that Ottawa is in Ontario, and it didn't work. We cats HISS.

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