Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sure, The Nuclear Threat's Elevated, But At Least The GOP Is Falling Apart

By Zamboni

As Ukraine fights for its life, we cats were wondering how Republicans who dared to venture onto the Sunday shows today would handle the delicate question of Benedict Donald. (Or, as Steve Schmidt calls him, "the obese imbecile from Queens.")

When asked about Fox "News" idiots and Republicans who've supported Trump (and Putin), Willard "Mitt" Romney didn't pussy-foot around. "How anybody in this country, which loves freedom, can side with Vladimir Putin, who is an oppressor, a dictator, he kills people, he imprisons his political opponents, he has been an adversary of America at every chance he’s had, it’s unthinkable to me," Romney said on CNN today. "It’s almost treasonous."

As always, we have quibbles with Willard. What's with the "almost"? Also, if he's so disgusted by his party, he should become an Independent and caucus with Senate Democrats. But that'll never happen — Willard always disappoints. (And here we were all set to give him kudos for screaming about Putin in 2012. Oh, well.)

Meanwhile, George Stephanopoulos gave the execrable Tom Cotton of Arkansas four chances to condemn Trump's Vlad-fluffing today, and four times Cotton greasily refused. "I don't speak on behalf of other politicians," he burbled. Stephanopoulos's response was perfect: "I simply don’t understand why you can’t condemn his praise of Putin."

What we're still waiting for: Cable hosts who dredge up Republicans' Reagan-loving quotes from years ago and then ask how they feel about Ronnie and his policies now. Don't hold your breath. We cats HISS.

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