Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Democratic Party, You In Danger, Girl


By Baxter

Okay, we cats are the first to admit we're not terribly patient these days. It's probably because after four whole years of dodging it, we've just tested positive for COVID-19. So we're focusing on getting better, but there's something we have to get off our furry chests.

In less-than-elegant language: The carping Democratic electeds (and the white male celebrities who just can't restrain themselves from opining) need to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Continuing this destructive drop-out conversation on social media and elsewhere — which stokes an already unprecedented feeding frenzy and undermines our sitting President during a NATO summit — is beyond the pale.

Every political path forward has dangers now, but in our humble opinion, abandoning President Biden is the most perilous. If that happens, the Democrats who came out 14-million-strong to vote in our primaries — most especially our party base, Black women — will walk. The party will collapse, and the country will tip over into the darkness of Trump II. We kid you not. We cats HISS.

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