Monday, July 15, 2024

Her Skivvies Are Showing

By Zamboni

People from Miami will quickly recognize the image that this cartoon plays on. It was drawn by a Nova Scotian, but it's right on. Look at the sneakers, too! Michael de Adder is just brilliant.

Marching orders for the day: Cannon's timing is nakedly political and completely despicable, but let's wait to see what Jack Smith does about all this. It's been posited that this is his opportunity to appeal to the 11th Circuit and ask for a new judge. It's also been alleged over the last few months that Team Smith knows — and, one presumes, was ready to present at trial — Benedict Donald's motive for stealing the classified documents. Can he tell us now? It's terrifying to think that Trump shared our state secrets with foreign powers for money, but what other conclusion is there?

Meanwhile, the other news today is that all Trump needs to do is grab his Sharpie, scratch out the "PE" on his 2020 campaign signs, and scribble in "VA" instead. And gosh, you can hear the GOP VP balloons deflating from here! Doug "Eyebrows" Burgum is so rich that he might not care (although gifted artists like de Adder are probably disappointed). But what about the others?!? Is Baby Marco on the phone with Northern American Van Lines right now, canceling his move out of Florida? Is Tim Scott scuttling the nuptials? Is Nancy Pelosi — oops, we mean Nikki Haley — sorry she released her delegates? Did Glenn Youngkin ever have a chance? And Elsie! WHAT ABOUT ELSIE!?

Stefanik is getting a small speaking role in Milwaukee this week, but it's hardly a substitute for the glories she'd dreamed of. Somehow, we're enjoying her mortification most of all. Poor Elise! "How simply frightful! How humiliating! How delightful!" We cats PURR.

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