Tuesday, July 23, 2024


It's a sad fact that more than 50 percent of white women voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020. This is enraging, of course. But this year, post-Dobbs and facing the most misogynistic ticket in American political history, we have a chance to prove to Black and other women of color that we can help save democracy.

If you're a white woman, mark your calendar for this event. It needs to be as successful as this past Sunday evening's "Win With Black Women" Zoom, in which 44,000 participants strategized on how to help Vice President Harris, and raised more than $1 million for her campaign. As soon as we get the link to register, we'll share it. We cats PURR.

(UPDATE: To register, click here now.)

(UPDATE #2: The news is still coming in, but it looks like 136,000 participants were on this call! We cats PURR.)

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