Friday, July 5, 2024

The Cranky Copywriter Gets It Right

If you're as disgusted with the press as we are, check out this post. We cats couldn't have said it better, and we're not even going to try. You can find more here. We cats PURR.

The Misguided, Malicious Media

What is wrong with America's media? Why are they spending all their time bemoaning President Biden's weak appearance during the debate? Have they forgotten Donald Trump's senility at West Point? Do they not remember all of Trump's grammatical errors, misspeaks, malapropisms, and historical inaccuracies?

Biden may sometimes stutter or lose track of a thought, but all his comments are truthful, all his facts proven. Trump tells a logjam of endless lies, many not even coherent.

Biden's age is not hidden. Trump's is camouflaged under gobs of pancake makeup, hairspray, and who knows what other visual tricks. Keep in mind that it was Trump's botched plastic surgery that incited him to assault his first wife, Ivana, for recommending the surgeon.

If Americans could see Trump in the morning, before his cosmetic rituals, they would be horrified at the pale, overweight, balding, cellulite-corroded creature before them. Biden bicycles, attends rallies, conducts interviews, delivers speeches, and has a sense of humor. Trump watches television, does not read anything not about him, rants, and is devoid of all humor.

Despite all this ammunition against a cruel and unhinged cipher who should not be allowed to run for the world's most important office, the media spend all their energy whining and carping and bitching and nitpicking about an excellent President with decades of service to the American people.

(IMAGE: Donald Trump, the media's darling, with the son whose name he barely knows.)

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