Thursday, August 8, 2024

50 Years Ago, Journalism Changed History

By Hubie and Bertie

Happy 50th anniversary of Richard Nixon's resignation to all who celebrate! We cats can't believe how the time has flown. But sadly, today's anniversary has a darker side to it.

Nixon's downfall came about because two unknown Metro reporters at The Washington Post kept at the Watergate story like a dog with a bone — and their editors supported them, even when they screwed up. There's no reason to think that journalists today would be as stubborn and intrepid. That's what decades of Republican demonizing about "the liberal media" has done: It's robbed journalism of its moxie.

But primarily, we blame Rupert Murdoch. That guy should have his American citizenship revoked, and he should be deported back to Australia, for the damage he's done. All you have to do is look at today's Benedict Donald Mar-a-Lago "press conference" for proof.

There are only two ways for democracy to be successfully defended in 2024: for Harris-Walz to win by such a landslide that Trump cannot possibly contest it. And for journalists to do their jobs. We understand the assignment — do reporters? We cats fear they don't, and we HISS.

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