Friday, August 9, 2024

One Campaign's Fired Up. The Other's Out Of Gas.

By Sniffles

There are 20,000 people cheering Kamala Harris in Glendale, Arizona, tonight — more than Biden-Harris's 2020 margin of victory in the state, according to Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego. People started lining up at the crack of dawn and waited outside in the heat for admittance to an event that wasn't supposed to start for 12 hours. (Don't worry, the campaign provided shade, water and fans.)

Meanwhile, Benedict Donald's campaign plane encountered technical difficulties today during his trip to Montana (the only rally he's holding all week). He had to land in Billings and hop a private plane to Bozeman for the event. In between planes, he yelled at The New York Times about how he and former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown nearly crashed in a helicopter together, and he threatened to sue the paper for... not believing him? Hard to tell. Asked why Trump was making up such a crazy story, Mayor Brown replied, "I have no idea."

But here's an interesting take on the Billings-Bozeman situation. A Twitter account with firsthand knowledge of the subject is strongly suggesting that Trump's plane did not have a mechanical failure as averred. Instead, it landed in Billings because Trump didn't pay his fuel bills, and would not have been able to refuel in Bozeman to get home. Sounds like she nailed it: As of 20 minutes ago, the plane was still in Billings. The plane's not broke — he is. We cats PURR.

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