Sunday, August 25, 2024

Noses To The Grindstone

By Zamboni

Jen O'Malley Dillon, chair of Harris-Walz, has issued an excellent report on the state of the campaign right now. With an exciting convention behind us, the groundwork has been laid for the next 70-odd days that can help steer us to victory. Here's the latest:

🔻Volunteers have signed up for 200,000 shifts since the convention's first day, and 90,000 on Thursday and Friday alone. Said Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz: "As someone who used to coordinate volunteers for a living, let me assure you these numbers are mind-blowing."

🔻In the month since Biden-Harris became Harris-Walz, the campaign has raised $540 million, a record amount that's been driven by first-time donors, young people, women, teachers and nurses.

🔻A wide range of groups have organized and joined the team, including Women, Latinos, AANHPIs, Veterans, Seniors, Small Business Owners, White Dudes, and — yes — Republicans for Harris.

All good news. And here are our marching orders between now and November 5:

If you're not registered to vote, for heaven's sake, get registered. If you are registered, check and re-check your status. Yes, this may sound a little neurotic, but just because you're being paranoid about it doesn't mean that Republicans aren't trying to erase you from the rolls.

Find out if your state has early/absentee voting and, if so, when it starts. Then bank your vote early, so Democrats can concentrate on folks who tend to be forgetful or are leaning our way.

Support our critical Senate candidates and help win back the House. It's no use getting the White House without giving Harris-Walz the Congressional partners they'll need. For the key Senate races, click here. For the House, click here. We cats PURR.

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