Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Still Trying To Hit That Storied Rock Bottom

By Sniffles

Donald Trump reposted this on his money-losing platform Truth Social this morning, obviously going for the women's vote — and particularly for the votes of any women who have had to contend with sexism at work. (Yes, Blogger needs to provide us with a sarcasm font.)

It was illuminating in that we've learned that the decorous New York Times is not averse to repeating the word "blowjob" in its coverage. Who'd have thought it? And also, of course, it was — like everything Benedict Donald does — unbelievably offensive.

But since he was posting this and other outrages 30 times in a single half-hour, at least he wasn't spending that time on the phone raising money. So there's that. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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