Monday, August 5, 2024

Jenna Jumps

By Baxter

It looks like the Paris Olympics aren't the only place you can see impressive gymnastics. Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis — who famously wept when she pleaded guilty to election interference in Georgia — has now flipped against Benedict Donald and his motley crew of fake electors in the state of Arizona.

Ellis has agreed to cooperate with state prosecutors and provide testimony against her farting friend Rudolph Giuliani, as well as, possibly, Trump. At least that's what the tea-leaf readers think might be in the offing here. Her reward: staying out of jail. Wow.

Despite the firehose of news these last few weeks, events like Ellis's flip-flop are handy reminders that Team Trump is still in tons of legal trouble at both the federal and state levels — with some cases still to be brought. The consequences of Trump perfidy will spool out for years.

Meanwhile, how dumb can Donald be? All those millions in his various campaign war chests, and he couldn't buy Jenna's loyalty. Or he wouldn't spend the money. We cats suspect the latter — because Ellis has complained about it — and we HISS and PURR at the same time.

(IMAGE: Ellis and Trump in happier days. Ugh. We will so not miss this ridiculous thumbs-up gesture.)

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