Friday, August 30, 2024

Grave Matters

By Baxter

Did you know that more than three years ago, Democrats in the House introduced a bill that would prevent Benedict Donald from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery?

Actually, the bill would specifically ban "twice-impeached" former POTUSes from getting "a highway, park, subway, federal building, military installation, street, or other federal property" named after them, in addition to barring them from Arlington. (Relax, Bill Clinton, you were only impeached once.)

It might be time to revive that legislation. The Trump-Arlington scandal just, if you'll pardon the expression, keeps mushrooming. Now, Donald is claiming that it was a "setup" by — wait for it — the Biden Administration, which must mean that they're worried about some other shoe about to drop. There are already questions about Team Trump's original intention (to stage an "official" ceremony that they could then accuse Biden and Harris of skipping), and whether the Gold Star families involved were told the truth from the get-go. (Spoiler alert: These are Trumpsters. "Truth"? They never heard of it.)

Top it off with Chris LaCivita, a veteran himself, trying to bitch-slap the Secretary of the Army on social media, and we have something very, very ugly going on. Media, please continue to pursue this.

We like the idea of the 2021 House bill, even though there's not a chance in hell that Trump would merit a space at Arlington. They'll have to bury him at sea like bin Laden, or shoot him into space, to keep thousands of people from lining up daily to whiz on his grave. We cats prefer litter boxes, but we're thinking about it. And of course, we HISS.

(IMAGE: Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

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