Wednesday, August 7, 2024

How To Lose The Women's Vote, Part Eleventy-Million

By Miss Kubelik

MAGA Republicans are flailing. In oh, so many ways.

Is it their claim that Vice President Kamala Harris is a communist? Benedict Donald's insane tweet that President Biden is secretly planning to steal the Democratic nomination back? Trump's freakout over the polls and Harris's huge, enthusiastic crowds?

Yes, all of the above, plus this: Why in the world would they think labeling Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as "Tampon Tim" would resonate with anyone but their hardcore MAGA idiots?

Here's the deal: Last year, Governor Walz signed legislation that provided for sanitary products to be offered to all menstruating students in Minnesota public schools. This is important because period insecurity can be as big an impediment to learning as food insecurity. Many students who can't afford pads and tampons themselves skip school during their times of the month. And of course, ready on-site access to sanitary products can help today's girls avoid the embarrassing episodes that too many American women have bad memories of.

Any dad of a tween or teenage daughter would understand this. But MAGAts are not emotionally mature, so they think this infantile "Tampon Tim" moniker is a slam. Guess again, guys.

We're banking on "Tampon Tim" to help Vice President Harris solidify her growing lead with independent and suburban women. Or, shall we say, to help prevent a 2024 Red Wave? We cats PURR.

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