Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mike Pence Can Relate

By Sniffles

Benedict Donald continues to publicly decompensate. Or is that "decompose"? He appears to be attracting flies.

Today, Trump held a "news conference" to which skeptical reporters were not invited, at which he stood in front of tables of grocery items, ostensibly to discuss the economy and inflation. But he didn't do any of that. Rambling off-script, he gave another grievance-filled performance, more like something out of Festivus than a Presidential campaign.

It's been nearly four weeks since President Biden stepped aside and endorsed Vice President Harris, and Team Trump still hasn't found its footing. That's because they have a bad candidate — actually, two. And Donald is clearly rattled by Harris's growing strength (check out the latest Electoral College analysis here).

As much as the press tries to help Trump — and make no mistake, they clearly are trying — voters are watching him, and they understand what they see. We cats PURR.

(PHOTO: Reuters)

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