Thursday, May 16, 2024

Larry Lurches Left, And Nobody's Fooled

By Hubie and Bertie

Still on the subject of Maryland tonight: Larry Hogan, Republican nominee for Senate, has suddenly come to Jesus on reproductive rights, announcing that he'll support codifying Roe v. Wade into the state's constitution. He also claims he would support a bipartisan bill in the Senate to restore Roe nationwide.

And although Hogan is the media's darling (he's a Republican, but they persist in thinking he's one of the "reasonable" ones), some observers have abruptly realized that maybe, just maybe, he has a tough race ahead of him. Because why else would he be walking the edge of this particular tricky knife?

Well, it won't be that easy. Unlike Democratic Senate nominee Angela Alsobrooks — or, for that matter, any Democrat in 2024 — Hogan will have to explain himself on the question of women's bodily autonomy. If any journalists are interested, the following questions come to mind:

Just a couple of months ago, when Hogan was directly asked about codifying Roe, he wouldn't answer. What are things so suddenly crystal clear? (We know the answer, but reporters should ask him anyway.)

How many times did the Maryland legislature have to override his vetoes of pro-choice bills when he was Governor? (His most recent veto on expanding abortion access was just two years ago. He needs to spell out why, especially in light of his recent "conversion.")

How much money has Hogan, as the official Republican nominee, already received from GOP Senate PACs and from anti-choice organizations — and will he now give it back?

He says he'll caucus with Mitch McConnell and the Republicans if he wins. Will he vote for anti-choice judges?

You get the idea. So come on, journalists, do your jobs. Angela Alsobrooks is already doing hers — calling out Hogan's cravenness and hypocrisy. We cats PURR and HISS at the same time.

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