Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pees In Our Time

By Sniffles

A week or so ago (we don't exactly remember when), Michael Cohen tweeted an insult at Benedict Donald. Didn't seem like a very smart thing to do, what with that criminal trial underway in Manhattan and all. And someone must have explained that to him, because not long after, he posted a follow-up declaring that out of respect for the court, his tweeting days during the trial were over.

The insult was — well, see above. And for some reason, Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche, introduced the original tweet during this morning's hearing on Trump gag order violations. So now it's in the court record. And it's going on billboards. This is what Donald's come to: People are making fun of his misfiring bodily functions at the defense table.

Meanwhile, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, addressed the nation from the White House today, in a calm yet forceful statement about the recent campus protests. He spoke clearly about the difference between free speech and violence, the unacceptability of bigotry against any group, and the importance of the rule of law (a topic that Benedict Donald knows nothing about).

It's hard to imagine any greater contrast between our Democratic President and the quickly sundowning con man that the GOP is on the brink of nominating. It's also hard to imagine that the 2024 race is tied. We cats are certain that, in the end, it won't be. And we PURR.

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