Sunday, May 26, 2024


By Hubie and Bertie

May is commencement season, of course, and bunches of celebrities have been making speeches at colleges and universities across the country: Jerry Seinfeld at Duke, Steve Wozniak at the University of Colorado, and — infamously — a Kansas City Chiefs football player at Benedictine College. (Taylor Swift had some thoughts about that.)

Ken Burns spoke to Brandeis graduates, and gave them a stark warning about November. This got our attention since a startling photo of him, David Koch and Clarence Thomas surfaced back in September. (Burns says he has no relationship with Thomas. Koch helped fund his 2017 Vietnam War documentary.)

Finally, President Biden addressed graduates of West Point, not only giving his speech but staying to shake hands with each of the 1,036 cadets afterward. (Now, that's stamina.)

We don't know if Benedict Donald was invited to speak at any commencements this spring. We did hear that he made an embarrassing appearance at the Libertarian Convention in Washington last night, an event that would have given new meaning to the term "rubber chicken dinner" if it hadn't been for the Secret Service. Anyway, he was lustily booed, which was wonderful. We cats PURR.

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