Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Over And Under

By Miss Kubelik

Yesterday's Maryland primary gave us more proof of Democratic strength and Republican weakness.

Less than a week ago, the Democratic race to replace retiring Senator Ben Cardin was a "dead heat" between Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and Congressman David Trone (according to a poll by Emerson College/The Hill/DC News Now). One poll in April, as well as others, had Trone ahead, but some weird and edgy behavior on his part last week had the potential to turn a lot of voters off. Still, everyone in Pundit and Pollster World expected the final margin to be tight.

Alsobrooks won by 12 points. Seriously, pundits and pollsters, something's very wrong with you guys.

Meanwhile, over in the other party, the media-styled great Republican savior Larry Hogan won the Senate nomination, but only with 60 percent of the vote. Eighty thousand Republicans chose to vote for someone else. Kind of reminds us of Benedict Donald's struggles in the Presidential race, because — guess what? — Maryland was no exception yesterday. Nikki Haley snagged 20 percent, even though she bowed out of the race more than two months ago.

It's dawned on some of us that the country's biggest protest movement is not college kids marching against the war in Gaza. It's folks in the GOP primaries who are voting against Donald Trump. We cats PURR.

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