Thursday, May 9, 2024

Open Season

By Sniffles

Lots of Democrats wringing their hands on social media today. Can we all go after Barron Trump now? Everyone's wondering because Dems, being decent people, don't want to harass a minor — but now that Barron has turned 18, and it's been announced that he's going to be a delegate at the 2024 Republican Convention, can we take shots at him?

We cats say unequivocally yes. Two reasons.

In our minds, the standard was always whether Barron would dip a toe into the political arena. Until he did that — presumably busying himself with graduating high school instead — he was off our radar. Really, did he matter? Not at all, except for the occasional petty satisfaction we would get from seeing how much taller than Trump he is. The dude is enormous — six-foot-five at least. Must drive Benedict Donald crazy.

The second reason is that Republicans have already attacked young Democrats who are politically active. Take, for example, Olivia Julianna from Texas. Disgusting reprobate Matt Gaetz tried to fat-shame her, and she ended up raising $700,000 off him, all in the service of reproductive rights. And all this happened while Olivia was well under 21.

So, LFG, as they say. Oh, by the way, is Benedict Donald still going to Barron's graduation? Last we saw, Trump was scheduled to attend a fundraiser in Minnesota on the same day. Depending on the timing, he could do both events — but we won't forget to check. We cats PURR.

UPDATE: Looks like Moose & Squirrel has put her foot down, and Lurch won't be an RNC delegate after all. This incident and others have confirmed what we always suspected: Benedict Donald's third marriage is strictly transactional. How much is she charging him to show up in Milwaukee this summer? We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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