Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Reich And Wrong Edition

By Zamboni

It took a little while, but Benedict Donald finally deleted the video he'd posted on "Truth" Social that promised a "unified reich" if he wins in November. He won't win, but the never-ending Nazism, and the media's and Republicans' failure to call it out, continue to be deeply disturbing. Here are some other news items we're following this morning.

The latest manufactured outrage on the right is that Benedict Donald was in danger of assassination when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago for stolen classified documents in 2022. First, Trump wasn't even there when it happened. But more important, permission for deadly force if necessary is always included in such orders, because agents never know what they're going to come up against. The fact that Trumpsters have suddenly started screaming about this suggests that they expect a guilty verdict in Manhattan next week and are trying to distract us from it.

(Sadly, the truth is that we won't fully know the extent of the damage Trump has wrought by taking those documents — perhaps for a long time. But when we do find out, it will be shocking and extraordinary.)

Rudy Giuliani is so desperate for cash that he's selling coffee now. And of course, internet wags have leaped to make puns about drips and filters. But the best Rudy story from the last week has got to be that his indictment in the Arizona fraudulent elector case was served at his 80th birthday party. Well done, state Attorney General Kris Mayes!

Wringing your paws over battleground polls? Today a poll in Nevada revealed dead-heat results, completely contradicting a recent New York Times survey that had President Biden way behind. We cats have had enough of this nonsense. Here's the deal: To get re-elected, Biden needs to win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan — all states he won in 2020. Benedict Donald needs to win Nevada, Georgia and Arizona (all of which he lost four years ago). He also needs to win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania OR Michigan (which, reminder, he lost last time), and keep North Carolina. The Biden-Harris road to victory is much clearer. Expend your campaign energies and dollars appropriately.

It turns out that Howard Dean will not run for Governor of Vermont this year after all. (Miro Weinberger, ex-mayor of Burlington, has also decided against running.) Since popular Republican incumbent Phil Scott has already thrown his hat in the ring for the fifth time, this means that we cats will probably have to spend at least the next two years worrying about Bernie Sanders's health.

Finally, some good news: Two weeks ago, we posted about the arduous process we had to navigate to vote early in our local school board and budget election. It was important to leap the hurdles because two Democrats were running, as well as a MAGA nutjob who we needed to keep off the board by voting for a less-Trumpy incumbent. Well, it worked! The budget and a bus bond passed, the incumbent Republican won, and our two Democrats — one a professor at Empire State and an expert on LGBTQ issues, and the other a development officer for Planned Parenthood — were the biggest vote-getters. Sweet! Every vote in every race counts. We cats PURR.

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