Friday, May 17, 2024

A Matter Of Control

By Sniffles

So the Preacher of the House felt compelled to tsk-tsk at members over last night's shouting match in the Oversight Committee. Maybe he was just mad that Jasmine Crockett so effectively snatched MTG's wig? Who knows? We hesitate to judge cat fights, but we have to say that Crockett and AOC ended up owning the night. And we'd like to respectfully request that C-SPAN dedicate a Jamie Raskin Reaction Cam any time this committee convenes. Please, and thank you.

it's pathetic, though, that Mike Johnson decided he had to weigh in, because — and correct us if we're wrong — isn't this the job of the Committee Chairman? And isn't James Comer the weakest, limpest, most craven, most ineffectual Chair, ever ever ever? Um, yeah. Speaker Johnson, discipline your chairs, not just your bleach-blond-bad-built-butch-body caucus members.

(P.S. If committee members were drinking last night, as Congressman Raskin averred, what's to stop them from imbibing in the SCIF? Asking because we assume we're talking about Republicans here.)

But Comer's problems pale in comparison to John Roberts's tonight. The Chief Justice of the United States has two rogue dudes on his Court who have no business getting anywhere near J6-related cases — Clarence Thomas, because he's the king of corruption whose wife wanted to hang Mike Pence, and Samuel Alito, because he flew a Stop the Steal flag on his house three days before President Biden's inauguration. Two questions: What will Roberts do to whip his Court into shape? And why are we just finding out about this Alito story now? We cats HISS.

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