Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Something's Not Quite Right In Republican Land

By Hubie and Bertie

For most of us, it was just another Wednesday, but for the GOP, today was unsettling. And it had absolutely nothing to do with Stormy Daniels.

Reason one: House Republicans descended into even more mess as Marjorie Taylor Greene, unable to take a hint (or do math), introduced a motion to vacate the chair against Speaker Mike Johnson. Not only did it fail on a lopsided vote, with just 10 members of her own caucus supporting her, Greene got booed and hissed — by her fellow Republicans. Should Greene be punished for her antics? "One dumpster fire at a time," one member said.

Reason two: Indiana Republicans held their 2024 Presidential primary yesterday, and Nikki Haley got 22 percent of the vote. Need a handy reminder that Haley dropped out of the race against Benedict Donald two months ago? Even so, in many contests since, she's received respectable support. More than 128,000 Hoosiers pulled the lever, colored in the oval, or touched the screen for a candidate other than Trump. Obviously, something's going on.

So, to sum up, Republicans in Washington are still spending time on nonsense instead of getting things done for the American people, and Benedict Donald's soft underbelly has continued to show itself in race after race. Lots of things can happen over the next six months, but these are just two of the political fundamentals that don't bode well for the GOP for November. We cats PURR.

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