Sunday, May 12, 2024

This Makes Us Gag

By Baxter

As we mentioned the other day, it's become clearer and clearer lately that Benedict Donald's marriage to Moose & Squirrel is a transactional one. But aren't all his relationships? 

News recently broke that Trump hosted oil executives at Mar-a-Lago last month and asked for $1 billion in exchange for rolling back President Biden's environmental policies if he gets back to the White House. He called it a "deal" that he'd deliver on "day one."

One problem, of course: He'd have to win in November first, and that's far from assured. Still, this whole scenario is unsettling. We can't find any details on how the CEOs reacted in real time to Trump's corrupt and icky proposal. What we do know is that the fossil-fuel dudes have been sitting on their checkbooks — so far. That probably won't last. North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has been working them pretty hard. Burgum is also allegedly on Trump's silly running-mate shortlist.

Which got us thinking: What's stopping Benedict Donald from hitting up his veep candidates? He could be soliciting them right now for hundreds of millions — write him a personal check, and the Vice Presidential nomination is theirs. Only a handful of them could swing such a swap. Burgum has the money, and so do Rick Scott and Glenn Youngkin. We don't know the state of JD Vance's finances, but he made a lot of money on the lecture circuit before Ohio inexplicably elected him Senator.

We hope we're wrong about this. But if we're right, note that it significantly narrows the veep field that reporters have been relentlessly chasing like catnip toys. Also note that all of the qualifying moneybags mentioned above are white males. Can some intrepid journalist figure out whether this is actually happening? We cats HISS.

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