Sunday, May 19, 2024


By Baxter

We cats keep waiting for the mainstream media to catch up to Benedict Donald's cognitive decline. Praising Hannibal Lecter wasn't enough for them to start raising questions. Neither was confusing Nancy Pelosi with Nikki Haley, or Obama with Biden. Every speech gives journalists more fodder, but they persist in tiptoeing around the subject.

Now comes this weekend's appearance at the NRA convention, where Trump froze mid-speech for 35 weird seconds. His handlers have offered a couple of different excuses: The teleprompter broke. Or he was "pausing for dramatic effect." Both can't be true.

The fact that he now has music playing under his speeches is further evidence that Team Trump has decided that trusting him to handle mishaps on his own is getting riskier and riskier. (He was able to bluff his way through a rickety lectern the other night, but couldn't cope yesterday.) We'd play the Can-You-Imagine-If-Biden-Were-Doing-This game again, but we're tired.

"He doesn't look like he's driving drama, he looks catatonic," declared one of our favorite social media behaviorists. And it's not just that. Nobody in the media will point this out, but more and more, the Trump campaign is allowing Team Biden to set the agenda. Why did Benedict Donald make the recent absurd statement that he'd done more for Black Americans than Abraham Lincoln? Because President Biden was speaking at the Morehouse commencement today, and received a rapturous reception. Trump has become purely reactive. (This will shock his faithful stenographers in the press.)

Trump will continue to make gaffes and glitches. But next time you see him speaking, ask yourself two questions: How much does he project? (For example, accusing Biden of falling apart physically, or being on drugs.) And can he still extemporize? At the NRA, the answers were tons, and no, not by a long shot. We cats HISS.

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