Saturday, June 1, 2024

Felonious Trump, Biking Brandon

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are detecting some rumblings vis-a-vis Benedict Donald and his Manhattan felony convictions. 

Looks like 49 percent of Independent voters and 15 percent of Republicans think he should drop out of the Presidential race now. (That 15 percent are Haley supporters, no doubt.) Hard-core MAGAts like MTG are going after Republican candidates like Larry Hogan in Maryland and even suggesting that New York State should stop receiving federal money. (Who's going to tell her — and what does Elise "Elsie" Stefanik think about that?)

And although the veep wannabes obediently fell in line to support their convicted felon post-verdict, we know that that's about. They're jockeying for the next slot the moment that Donald finally disintegrates.

Meanwhile, President Biden went cycling in Delaware today. We hear that he biked for 34 minutes. You gotta love it.

As for the alleged cash haul that the Trump campaign has raked in since Thursday, we'll believe it when we see it. (Somebody remember to check their FEC report, please.) But even if it's true, who cares? Are they using it to buy TV time in swing states? To open field offices in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina? Sharing it with down-ballot Republican candidates? Nope — it's all going for legal fees. We cats PURR.

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