Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Here, Time Magazine, We Fixed It For You

By Hubie and Bertie

Actually, this revamped cover is the fine work of one of the Twitter accounts we follow, and we love it. Looks like this was quite the feisty Dark Brandon interview. It should be: Joe Biden has an astonishing record of accomplishment to run on, and he should take his victory laps and ding his opponents, because that tends to make people notice.

For example, see how he opened today's White House announcement about his executive order on immigration: "I've come here today to do what Republicans in Congress refuse to do: Take the necessary steps to secure our border." He slammed Benedict Donald for killing Senator James Lankford's bipartisan immigration legislation earlier this year.

This is an excellent move, since not everyone may have caught the news a few months ago. But now, post-Trump-criminal-conviction, when more people are paying attention, it's good for Biden to remind them.

The albatross that is Benedict Donald might dawning on Republicans, too. A poll conducted May 24-26 shows that one in three of them thinks that Trump is the wrong choice of nominee — and that was just days before he was convicted in Manhattan. Imagine what the point spread could be now.

So it'll be interesting to see how the so-called Nikki Haley protest vote shakes out in today's final Presidential primaries in Montana, New Jersey and New Mexico. Will Haley's typical 15 percent expand? Trump is even worse — more extreme — today than he was in 2020, and in addition to being a convicted felon (Republicans hate it when we point that out), he's deteriorating mentally.

Watch the clip that people are sharing from 2016, in which Trump screams about Hillary Clinton's nonexistent crimes and how America can't afford to have a felon even run for the White House. The difference between his speaking ability eight years ago and now is stark. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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