Monday, June 17, 2024

The Method Behind The MAGA Madness

By Miss Kubelik

Have you noticed how the stories about Joe Biden's mental acuity have ratcheted up again? The onslaught from the right-wing media — and its transparent fakiness — have captured clever political cartoonists' attention. But whether voters are taking it at face value is worrisome.

There's a very simple reason for this. It's Benedict Donald whose mental state is deteriorating, and the Republicans and Trump-loving media are terrified that it will seep into the public narrative. How do we know? Simply by the frenzied way they're overselling his competence ("Donald is upbeat! Donald is happy! Donald is confident!") and projecting a nonexistent dementia problem onto Biden.

They're right to worry. Just the other day, Trump himself boasted that he had aced a mental competence test, and then couldn't remember the name of the White House physician who gave it to him. It wasn't "Ronny Johnson" — it was Ronny Jackson, now an idiot Congressman from Texas who's probably exploring the possibility of changing his name to honor the GOP's orange god. (After all, Ronna Romney did.)

So, what is Team Trump doing right now? Trying to figure out the right balance of drugs — Adderall, whatever — that will keep Benedict Donald vertical and able to respond in, at least, short, recorded video interviews. But a live debate? Doesn't seem possible, and it's supposed to take place in less than two weeks. Which means they're trying to figure out his excuses to back out. At some point, perhaps some political journalist will realize he or she is being played, and will start asking the right questions. Until that happens, we cats HISS.

(IMAGE: Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

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