Sunday, June 23, 2024

Debate Divination

By Miss Kubelik

Gee, Team Trump is running out of time to make excuses for not showing up at Thursday night's Presidential debate. Although their minions sure are pushing the "Biden must be tested for drugs" line hard, aren't they? Tells you something.

So instead of not backing out, perhaps the plan is to have Trump show up — but stalk off as soon as something happens that he doesn't like (like the muted microphone rule that he has, of course, agreed to).

If he does turn up, recall that Trump knows nothing about policy — which he wouldn't be able to discuss anyway, thanks to his cognitive decline. So his only recourse will be to act like a drama queen, particularly if Biden does something very Dark Brandon-y.

For example, say that Biden points out how many elections Democrats have won since SCOTUS overturned Roe two years ago tomorrow. Or mentions that Trump couldn't fill a Temple University venue that Biden himself had packed in Philadelphia earlier. Or maybe he'll make a joke about whether Trump's probation officer knows where he is. The possibilities are endless, and any one of them could cause (allow?) Benedict Donald to flounce away in a huff.

We're still betting Trump doesn't show, but if he does choose the walk-off route, you heard it here first. We cats PURR.

P.S. A warning to journalists out there: In your run-up to Thursday as well as in your after-coverage, please don't treat the debate as if it's normal. It won't be. We cats HISS.

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